Contact our specialist education law solicitors today to see how we can help you. Speak to one of our team on 01633 240743 or click Contact us to send us an email and one of our lawyers will call you back at a time to suit you.
How can we help?
If you have recently received your results and are not satisfied with the outcome, you may be considering whether to complain or appeal the decision. If a student is seeking to challenge the outcome of an assessment, it is likely that their university may require the submission of an “academic appeal”.
Our university solicitors are specialists in academic appeals, and it is important to ensure that your appeal is made under one or more of the permissible grounds. Each university will have their own rules and regulations, so it is vital that you seek expert advice to determine (a) what valid grounds of appeal are available; and (b) whether there are merits to appeal under one or more of these grounds of appeal.
There may be various grounds of appeal permitted which may include:
- A procedural irregularity in the assessment process
- Bias or perception of bias
- Mitigating/ extenuating circumstances (e.g. bereavement, illness)
Many students may disagree with the opinion of their assessor, but one ground that is generally not accepted is where “academic judgement” applies. The term is defined as being:
“… a judgment that is made about a matter where the opinion of an academic expert is essential.”
Due to the general remit and application of this term, is it vital that a student ensures that their appeal is brought within the permissible grounds. Our expert higher education lawyers can advise you on the potential grounds of appeal, whether there are reasonable prospects of success and can help you draft robust grounds of appeal.
It is also important to provide any supporting evidence for some grounds of appeal. Some grounds of appeal may be rejected without appropriate supporting evidence, so our higher education solicitors can advise you on the appropriate evidence and documentation required to strengthen your appeal.
Why instruct us?
University law can be complicated and universities may have various deadlines, rules and requirements that need to be met before an appeal is accepted. Many universities will set down extremely tight deadlines, so it is advisable to contact one of our higher education law specialists urgently to seek the advice and support you need.
Please contact us on 01633 240743 or by e-mail [email protected] to discuss how our university law solicitors can help you.
We offer an initial free consultation during which we will explain (a) how we can help and (b) provide an estimate of costs.